Banquet April 12 2025

Link to Rooms

Midwest Point Table

This is the points Table we will use this year for both Finals & Heats



Live Scoring

Showdown are inviting the top 7 of these classes: 


ISR insurance for the 2024-25 Season is AVAIABLE.

ISR Insurance is OPEN Midwest Snocross membership is open. Link

Drivers Profiles are being updated as you register for the season. If there is not a picture in your profile, I will add one if I have one. All your sponsor Info can be added to race day, and it will show up on your profile. The entries into Race Day by you are automatic and show up when you update. The entries into the MWS website are manual and take a lot of time to get done, once the season starts entering profiles won’t be a priority. Link Race Day Info, please take the time to fill out your complete driver profile including the Bib number. Any questions on Number please call me. Look for the green icon. On the left bottom page when you log in.

  • Race Day usernames and Passwords. Please don’t start a new account if you forgot the username and password call Dan and I can reset them for you.

Midwest Snocross Memberships
Race Driver Memberships
Fee $100.00 What does this include? You will receive a Banquet dinner ticket for the season ending.
banquet. Value $50.00. You will be part of the season ending Points race & trophy. Must be a Regular Race
Driver Membership & attend 60% of the races to be eligible for Trophies. Must be over 18 to be able to Vote in MWSS Elections.
Non-Racing Membership 2025 / Banquet ticket
Fee $40.00 What does this include? MWSS YOU MUST HAVE TO ENTER THE HOT PITS (staging area) You will also receive the Banquet dinner ticket. Value $50.00 You will be added to the newsletter sent out by us. This will allow you to receive the Newsletters by e-mail. You will be a voting member if you are over the age of 18. You Must set up your own account in Race Day. If you buy this on your Kids account, you will not show up and a voting member or show up as a banquet ticket.

  • Hot Pits, Driver and one crew member only. MUST sign the smart waiver
  • That means that family and friends Do need smart waiver to be in the trailer pit ares.
  • We will have a Driver plus one in the hot pits


MWSS Data Logger Requirement- ISR Approved 10/25/2023.
Within the ISR rules a Regional Affiliate may make an amendment for beginner classes. The amendment is as follows: In all ECU REV limited classes access must be provided for technical inspection purposes; a data logger will not be required for MWSS events. However, any rider/driver that is also competing in ECU REV limited classes in National Events will be required to run a data logger during all MWSS events. For those not running National Events and do not have a data logger if data verification becomes a need the Race Director and or the Tech Directors have full discretion to require a rider/driver to install a data logger for the next weekend of racing. Failure to do so will end in disqualification.
Data Logger Rule as Written by ISR
In all ECU REV limited classes access must be provided for technical inspection purposes.
1. Data logging in RPM restricted classes is mandatory and access to data logging equipment must be provided to technical inspection officials. Data Logging equipment must use OEM CAN protocols. This requirement is mandatory in National Events.
Regional affiliates may offer a beginner class that will not require this equipment.
2. The penalty for violation of the correct data logging parameters will be a 3-event day suspension in the specific class for the first violation, and suspension for the balance of the season for any following event.

To Sign up for any race

  1. You need the ISR license (insurance) to race in our series you can get that here ISR Remember Kids 120 & 200 need the Snocross License NOT THE KITTY KAT one.
  2. Text Description automatically generated with medium confidence logo follow this to the Midwest Snocross race day page.
  3. If you don’t have your username or password from last year, follow the links to retrieve it.
  4. If you cant get logged in please contact me Dan or call me. DO NOT START A NEW ACCOUNT.
  5. Once you get logged in, please check that your profile is complete, Sled number, hometown, exec.
  6. Now you are ready to Register for Ironwood click events.
  7. You will notice that you can register for both Saturday & Sunday at the same time. I encourage you to do it all at the same time, it saves you some money on the charges. If for any reason you can’t race on Sunday, we can move that registration to a different date.
  8. Add on are available Parking , Practice and Tickets.
  9. Now that your checked out and done. You can go back to the Ironwood page and fill out the smart waiver for all that are going to be in the pit area.
  10. Realize the pit area is where the haulers are parked it open to anyone for your gate ticket you just must do a waiver.
  11. The hot pits are the area where the sleds are staging to get ready to race. This area is a one plus one HOT PITS PASS one driver and one other person. All sponsors and Grandma’s Gram pa’s don’t need to be in the HOT PITS. As always if an extra person is needed please contact me.
  12. Now that your done. Registration for Saturday closes at 6:00 pm Friday night we will post the line ups for Saturday after that.
  13. All sleds and riders will have to go thru a safety check either Friday before practice of Saturday before practice. You will be given a sticker for your sled with check boxes.
  14. Riders are reminded to have all the legal safety equipment, Helmets, knee pads, mouth guard, chest protection (must be approved for Snocross) working tether.
  15. We will be checking gasoline this year pump gas or caned race fuel is or just know what you have in the tank when they check you.
  16.  Driver’s meeting will be held at 7:30am at the TBD with practice and racing to follow. If you fail to attend the drivers meeting, you will start at the back of the front row.
  17. We will run Two heats and a final in all classes. If you make the top three in your class you will have to stop to be tech if you fail to stop you will be docked places. You can’t go back to your trailer and then come back to tech, must stop right after you get off the track.
  18. Top three in all classes go to the podium for trophies & Pictures. test
  • & A
  • Rollin
  • S2
  • NE
  • KT